Library services and collections for Children & Youth

Story Dogs

Read with Story Dogs 


A fun and supportive reading program with our trained and accredited Story Dogs team.

Practice reading one-on-one with our Story Dog in a calm and motivating environment. If your child would like to read to our Story Dog regularly, book a slot in advance by contacting Kingscliff library  02 6674 1607. We can't wait for you to meet our Story Dog!

Our library is very excited to have Story Dogs visiting. Please help us by following these six golden rules to keep everyone safe and happy.


 Story Dog reading sessions are conducted between the Story Dog team (the volunteer and their dog), and your child. No other siblings or relatives allowed
 Children attending Story Dogs must be of school age
 Carergivers and other children are asked to give the Story Dog team adequate space and to not interrupt reading sessions
 Attendees are asked to moderate their behaviour around the Story Dog and the Story Dog team. Please treat them with respect and don't crowd them
 If you or other children would like to interact with the Story Dog, please ask the volunteer at the end of a session if a gentle pat is appropriate
 Please follow all requests and directions from library staff and the Story Dog volunteer.