Read digital newspapers free on the BorrowBox app!
You can borrow digital editions of popular Australian newspapers, as well as papers from all over the world!
- Join the library!
If you're not already a member of the library, you'll need to sign up for free to use our free services. You can access the eresources straight away by starting your membership online at https://rtrl.spydus.com/cgi-bin/spydus.exe/MSGTRN/OPAC/JOIN. Then, when you're ready, stop by one of our library branches with your proof documents and finalise your membership.
- Download the BorrowBox app from your app store
Download the BorrowBox reading app from your app store and have your new membership details ready.
Android app
iOS (Apple) app
- Browse and read on BorrowBox
Select Richmond Tweed Regional Library as your library service and activate the app with your library membership details. Now, you’re free to browse and borrow all the news you can handle!
You can also browse, borrow, and read directly in your browser!
Login, browse, and borrow!