Encyclopedias and Dictionaries

Britannica Library is an online resource for kids, teens, and adults, containing over 150,000 articles across a wide range of topics and includes three sites in one! The Complete Encyclopaedia (Adults), The Student Encyclopaedia (Teens), and The Junior Encyclopaedia (Kids).
Britannica Library comprises more than 150,000 articles and links to over 20,000 sites which are reviewed by Britannica's expert editors. You can also access over 750 full-text journals and magazines. Additionally, Britannica includes the full Miriam-Webster Dictionary and World Atlas!
Britannica Library covers the following subject areas:
- Arts
- Biography
- Business
- Current Affairs
- Environment
- Health
- History
- Human
- Geography
- Information Technology
- Literature
- Music
- Science
- Technology
and more!
This online version contains the same information as the official print version of Encyclopedia Britannica. It’s enhanced with practical help and extra information, including photos, videos, and sound recordings.It’s easy to select your reading level and the types of media you wish to view (text, images, videos, dictionary, websites, eBooks).
By clicking on Content Related to this Topic, you can delve further than ever before into topics of interest and related information. A really special and super-helpful feature is the ability to double-click any word in Britannica articles. This will open a pop-up wondow containing the definition and an audio pronunciation of the word!
How to access
- Visit Richmond Tweed Regional Library’s unique link HERE, and enter your library card number
- Click on the kids, teens, or adults research areas
- Enjoy!
The following video by Miss Katie of Byron Bay Library shows you how to access this great free resource. If you need help, contact your local library for assistance.

Access to the The Macquarie Dictionary Online is provided to all NSW public library members with thanks to the State Library of NSW. Click the button below to head to the State Library's eresources page.
Access the Macquarie Dictionary Online

Onelook Dictionary Search scans multiple online dictionaries at once. It also hunts for definitions and translations of words and phrases. The reverse dictionary feature lets you describe a concept and find related words and phrases. Access for free HERE.
The Phrase Finder has the meanings and origins of thousands of English says, phrases, idioms, and expressions. Get instant free access HERE.
Thesaurs.com is an online searchable version of Roget's Thesaurus. Get instant free access HERE.
Aboriginal Languages of Australia is a virtual library catalogue and has annotated links to 332 resources for 100 of the more than 200 Aboriginal languages of Australia. Get instant free access HERE.

Abbreviations is the world's largest and most comprehensive online directory and search engine for acronyms, abbreviations, and initialisms. Get instant free access HERE.

Auslan Signbank is a language resource site for Auslan (Australian Sign Language). Auslan is the official language of the deaf community in Australia. Create a free account and log-in to access. Get started HERE.